Contractil F

It is an hemorrhoidal ointment indicated for the relief of multiple hemorrhoids-related symptoms.

– Relieves pain and itching associated with hemorrhoids.
– Temporarily reduces & retracts hemorrhoidal tissue and relieves itching.
– Soothes and protects the irritated tissue and contributes to less painful bowel movement.


The first OTC antihemorroidal capsule treatment. Relieves pain, reduces inflammation and eases itching. Reduces duration, intensity and recurrence of hemorroidal events.

Anusol Duo S

Anusol® Duo S suppositories is an antihemorrhoidal, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, vasoconstrictor and anesthetic. Indicated in swollen hemorrhoids and anal itching.

Anusol Duo

Anusol® Duo cream is an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor. Anesthetic. Indicated to treat signs of inflammation associated with skin irritation and anorectal processes.