Geniol Plus Fast Acting

Soft capsules of Geniol Plus Fast Acting is indicated for the symptomatic relief of back, muscle and joint pain.
It is also indicated for menstrual cramps.

Geniol Forte

Geniol Forte is used for symptomatic relief of mild to moderate head, menstrual, muscle, joint and tooth aches, relief of influenza conditions and/or colds and reduction of fever.

Geniol 1 gr

Geniol 1gr is indicated for symptomatic relief of mild to moderate pains (pain associated with headaches, muscle pain, lumbago, arthritis and tooth ache) and in the improvement of fever conditions.


Geniol is used for symptomatic relief of mild to moderate pain including headache, migraine prior to medical diagnosis, toothache, throat ache, menstrual pain, muscle pain, symptomatic relief of rheumatic pains, influenza conditions and/or colds, and to reduce fever.


Analgesic and antiacid indicated to relieve headaches and stomach acidity caused by eating disturbances.